Counters and pie charts

[dt_fancy_title title=”Pie charts” title_align=”left” title_size=”h6″ title_color=”custom” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”enabled” separator_color=”accent” separator_style=”disabled” custom_title_color=”#ffffff”]

GET SETTINGS: 1/4 Column

[dt_gap height=”10″ /]VC element: “Pie Chart”

Widget title: [leave empty]

Pie value: 80

Pie label value: [leave empty]

Units: [leave empty]

Bar color: Light (50% content)

Extra class name: [leave empty]

Appearance: Pie chart(default) [dt_gap height=”10″ /]

GET SETTINGS: 1/3 Column

[dt_gap height=”10″ /]VC element: “Pie Chart”

Widget title: [leave empty]

Pie value: 60

Pie label value: 6

Units: [leave empty]

Bar color: Title

Extra class name: [leave empty]

Appearance: Pie chart(default) [dt_gap height=”10″ /]

[dt_fancy_title title=”Counters” title_align=”left” title_size=”h6″ title_color=”custom” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”enabled” separator_color=”accent” separator_style=”disabled” custom_title_color=”#ffffff”]
websites created
happy clients
years of experience

GET SETTINGS: 1/4 Column

[dt_gap height=”10″ /]VC element: “Pie Chart”

Widget title: [leave empty]

Pie value: 40

Pie label value: 105

Units: [leave empty]

Bar color: Title

Extra class name: [leave empty]

Appearance: Counter [dt_gap height=”10″ /]

[dt_fancy_title title=”Counters & teasers for backgrounds” title_align=”left” title_size=”h6″ title_color=”custom” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”enabled” separator_color=”accent” separator_style=”disabled” custom_title_color=”#ffffff”]
[dt_teaser type=”uploaded_image” target=”blank” style=”1″ content_size=”big” background=”fancy”][dt_gap height=”20″ /]



[dt_teaser type=”uploaded_image” target=”blank” style=”1″ content_size=”big” background=”plain”][dt_gap height=”20″ /]



[dt_teaser type=”uploaded_image” target=”blank” style=”1″ content_size=”big” background=”fancy”][dt_gap height=”20″ /]




[dt_gap height=”10″ /]VC element: “Teaser”

Type: Upload image

Choose image: [leave empty]

Image ALT: [leave empty]

Misc link: [leave empty]

Target link: Blank

Open in lightbox: No

Content: [ vc_pie value=”20″ color_mode=”title_like” color=”#000000″ appearance=”counter” label_value=”20″]

Media style: Full-width

Font size: Large

Style: Background

Animation: None

[dt_gap height=”10″ /]

[dt_fancy_title title=”Counters & banners for backgrounds” title_align=”left” title_size=”h6″ title_color=”custom” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”enabled” separator_color=”accent” separator_style=”disabled” custom_title_color=”#ffffff”]
[dt_banner type=”uploaded_image” target_blank=”false” bg_color=”#81d742″ text_color=”rgba(129,215,66,0.5)” text_size=”big” border_width=”5″ outer_padding=”0″ inner_padding=”10″ min_height=”180″]


[dt_banner type=”uploaded_image” target_blank=”false” bg_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.4)” text_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.9)” text_size=”big” border_width=”2″ outer_padding=”10″ inner_padding=”8″ min_height=”164″ image_id=”35177″]


[dt_banner type=”uploaded_image” target_blank=”false” bg_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.3)” text_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.9)” text_size=”big” outer_padding=”0″ inner_padding=”0″ min_height=”174″ image_id=”35023″ border_width=”0″]



[dt_gap height=”10″ /]VC element: “Banner”

Type: Upload image

Choose image: [upload image]

Content: [ vc_pie value=”25″ color_mode=”custom” color=”#ffffff” appearance=”counter” label_value=”25″]

Banner link: [leave empty]

Background color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4)

Border color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9)

Font size: Large

Border width: 2

Outer padding: 10

Inner padding: 8

Banner minimal heght: 164

Animation: None

[dt_gap height=”10″ /]